
FIATA membership as the driver of continuous development and innovation

We are pleased to announce that Gradalogistic S.R.L. was recently confirmed as an individual member of the International Federation of Freight Forwarding Associations (FIATA) – the world’s largest non-governmental organization representing the freight forwarding industry in over 150 countries.

Long-term participation in FIATA activities allows us to study new trends, innovations and perspectives in logistics with a focus on sustainable development, digitalization and green logistics.
As a recognized international shipper, Gradalogistic benefits from this platform where logistics experts, global market participants and stakeholders from around the world can exchange ideas, best practices and knowledge to develop innovations, interaction and collaboration in freight logistics. All this helps us to continue to offer a wide range of high-quality transport and logistics services, as well as the guaranteed fulfillment of all obligations to our customers and partners.

We are always open to mutually beneficial cooperation, offering innovative and complex logistics solutions for your business!


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